Ideal Hormone Therapy with Dr. Jim Mirabile

In this episode we talk with Dr. Jim Mirabile about the "ideal hormone therapy", symptoms of hormone imbalances and anti-aging. You can find Dr. Mirabile's website at


 JP: Hi, everyone. Thank you for listening. Today, I am joined by a very special guest, Dr. Jim Mirabile. Dr. Mirabile. Thank you so much for taking time out of your schedule to chat with me today! 

JM: Jennifer. Thank you. I'm, I'm thrilled to talk with you. I love to talk about the subject of hormone replacement therapy for both men and women. So, really excited to talk! 

 JP: Yeah, it's going to be great. Happy New Year, by the way, I didn't even tell you that earlier when we were talking. 

 JM: Happy New Year to you. I'm tired of people saying I hope it's better than last year because this is, this is such a crazy time. I just got my vaccine about 30 minutes to go. So really encourage that. 

JP: Oh, my gosh, that's so exciting.  

JM: Yeah, it was, it was kind of the whole staff got to get it. So I'm really excited for that. 

 JP: Well yay, for you guys. That's really exciting. 

 JM: Yeah, right now with these scary times and everything. But, you know, most importantly, we still have to remember to take care of ourselves and, you know, that's why I really love what I do dealing with hormone therapy and our patients because we can really change lives. 

 JP: Yeah. Absolutely. So, on that note, can you just give us a little introduction about yourself? What you do and how you got started? 

 JM: Sure, Jen, I'm a board certified OBGYN I stopped obstetrics, gosh, it's been 11 years now, a much improved lifestyle since then. But I delivered over 7500 babies in 17 years and felt a real need to start converting my practice because no one wanted to take care of menopause. My patients were, you know, hitting their forties and fifties and, you know, I delivered their kids and now they're coming in with all these problems and no one wants to take care of them and, you know, utilizing hormone replacement therapy of a safe natural type has been life changing for our patients. So, I've done that. I've also incorporated within my medical practice and then joined them all under one roof, a medical spa. That is now, gosh, 21 years old and a medical weight loss that is 10 years old and it's all under one roof. So, it's kind of a one stop shop for patients to come to. 

 JP: That's awesome. Your practice involves a lot of anti-aging therapies - what are your most popular treatments? 

JM: Oh, gosh, there's so many out there, you know, and if I look over the last 20 years the changes, but presently, right now, probably the hottest, you know, anti-aging things we do, number one would of course, be Botox and fillers. You know, if we can start cosmetically looking at somebody, we do everything from radio frequency treatments for skin tightening and body contouring and skin resurfacing. But basically, anything that can impact someone's life, you know, and this is where we look at the hormone therapy because they kind of can join at the same time, people are starting to look at ways to look better and feel better. It's a generation thing and the hormone therapy goes right with it. So, you know, all in all anti-aging is the use of the natural hormone replacement therapy that we do also. 

 JP: Mhm. And how did you get introduced to hormone replacement therapy more specifically to hormone pellet therapy? 

JM: Right. Well, you know, it's, it's really, it's kind of interesting that the actual person that brought back the hormone pellet was Dr. Gino Tutera. He founded Sottopelle back in 2002 and I was in practice about 8 to 10 years and I knew of Dr. Tutera, he was from Kansas City, he was living out in Rancho Mirage and he had founded the pellet where we had a really insurgence of the pellet that was founded back in the thirties still being used in Europe, but no one was using it here in the States. And he did his research, he started formulating pellets and most importantly that I think everyone needs to do and also check with their provider is to be able to calculate the correct dosage. And that's what the Sottopelle does for my practice is we're able to calculate the correct dosage and which is so critical to the way someone is going to feel. So, that was really my introduction was through Dr. Tutera and I was doing a lot of babies at the time and menopause really wasn't a top concern of mine. But then, when he started the pellet therapy, that's when I really looked at it and felt this is something that I want to learn and do. So, I went out to Arizona and spent some time with him and I just found it revolutionary for patients. And so it's been about 15 years that I've been doing the hormone therapy with the utilization of the pellets.  

 JP: Yeah. It, it's amazing just from the time I've been working at Qualgen just how many lives it truly does change is just crazy. 

 JM: Well, Jennifer the big, you know, the big thing Jen is that, you know, it's not just for women. When we talk about hormones, we talk about hormone therapy for women, but hormone therapy affects men too. And you know, the pellet has been ideal. I was with Dr. Tutera when he was doing a lot of research with the NFL ball players and brain trauma. And I've seen some of these guys just change their whole lives that have been affected by the brain trauma just by the utilization of the testosterone pellets. So, I was a believer from the very beginning, but it has to be done, right. And you have to use a good pellet in order for it to work. 

 JP: Absolutely - and what would you say is the advantage to using hormone pellets for hormone treatments because there are so many different types of treatments out there. So, what would you say is the advantage? 

 JM: You know, I look back and I think of the first time I went down to Arizona and met with Dr. Tutera and, you know, he taught me about quote, the ideal hormone therapy and he called the pellet the ideal therapy simply because we can mimic what the human body does. This pellet is inserted painlessly, a small little stab incision, but then blood vessels will coalesce around the pellet, it then works on your cardiac output. And that is what's so beneficial that there is always a level in your system. So you're not going to have the common complaints that people will have and we'll talk about those, but it's always in your system and then it works on the cardiac output when your heart rate rises, so does your level when you need it most, whether you're working out and your heart rate rises, whether it's even a sexual situation, whatever, but those levels travel with you. So, we call it the ideal hormone therapy when we utilize the pellet with our patients. 

 JP: Absolutely. What would you say are some of the more general symptoms that people have that turns out to be a hormone imbalance? 

 JM: You know, if we take, let's look at the sexes differently and look at women first. You know, hot flashes, night sweats, they present having depression, fatigue, weight gain in the midsection and these are all complaints that have been silently going on in inside of women for years and years and years, but a lot of people don't do anything about it. And so any of those abnormal symptoms that you feel you really need to address with your physician when it comes to men and hormone replacement, utilizing testosterone, it makes a huge difference. And you don't know if you're deficient unless you're having a lot of symptoms and you go get checked. So, getting testosterone level is important, but you know, I go back to also the point that it has to be done correctly. I don't want pellets to get a bad name because someone is inserting too much or too little. So, and that's where the calculation comes in, you know, prime handing us to utilize. 

 JP: Absolutely. We have so many doctors that come to us that have no idea about pellets but want to do it because they saw a youtube video. But the procedures is one thing, but the dosing, I know we've had this conversation so many times. The dosing is what is huge. I mean, you can really mess somebody up by giving them the wrong dose.  

 JM: Well, you know, if you give a woman too much testosterone, you're going to get acne, oily skin, extra hair growth. So, you have to be cautious. That's why you need to know how much, what is the right amount that the patient needs and we base that on several factors and these all go back to Dr. Tutera’s research. You know, we look at age, weight, height, medical issues, any medical problems and most importantly, their own present levels that they're producing on their own. So once you calculate that, it'll give you a pure reading on how much estrogen to use and how much testosterone to use. And you know, we, we get it pretty good 95% of the time without any problem at all. Sometimes we underdose and we'll have the patient, you know, follow up in a month, get their blood work, which I also think is essential that a lot of people don't do. But blood work is essential when you're utilizing hormone therapy for two simple reasons. One to make sure you're giving enough and one to make sure you're not getting too much. So, you know, all in all treating this as a medical issue is, is of prime importance.  

 JP: Absolutely. With COVID, obviously, there's been a lot more stress just in 2020 in general. Have you noticed a difference with your hormone patients dealing with that stress in a different way because of the hormone pellets?  

JM: Oh definitely, you know, unfortunately, we were closed for seven weeks and boy, we got bad chewing out from a lot of patients. They needed their hormones and, you know, we didn't want to be open and encourage people to get out during, you know, the quarantine that we were under. Um, and people suffered and what it is is that stress will eat up your hormones and when people are stressed, whether men or women, their hormones are eaten up and the symptoms worsen. So, yes, during this whole pandemic that we've been living under patients' requirements have changed definitely.  

 JP: What's one piece of advice you'd give to someone who's wanting to start on a health and wellness journey? 

 JM: You know, I, I think it's of utmost importance we're living longer today and if you're gonna live longer, you want to live in the best shape possible. And basically the utilization of hormones I think are essential. , like I said, the hormone pellet being quote, the ideal pellet or the ideal hormone therapy because it mimics the human body is treating the body from the inside out. You can go get all the Botox and filler and use all the radio frequency devices and lasers that we have to offer. But we've got to treat you from the inside out also. You know, if you want to look good, you've got to be healthy inside. And we've really found a, a likening combining the hormone therapy with our cosmetic side of the practice, encouraging people, you know, with all of the anti-aging opportunities, we're a great generation because we're able to experience these and utilize them.  

JP: Absolutely. It's grown so much. Where do you see it going in the next five years?  

JM: You know, Jennifer, I, I've, I've seen more and more younger people requesting and utilizing the hormone pellet simply because it's easy to use, you're not having to take something every day. You know, for women, we'll see them 3 to 4 times a year for the men just twice a year for pellet insertion, obviously, they get more than the women so they can tolerate more to last longer. But, you know, I think the whole spectrum of the aging process is changing that people younger are doing things. You know, we're seeing an influx of younger people doing Botox to prevent wrinkles, same thing with the hormone therapy. You don't have to be in menopause to be able to enjoy the experience and the success we see with hormone therapy. And we've got 25 year old guys that are utilizing hormone pellets simply because they were deficient. So, I think is more awareness is out there with regards to the hormone pellet and the benefits for even younger people in replacing something that's missing, not overdo it, but sufficing what their body needs is gonna be the trend now and into the future.  

 JP: Yeah, I completely agree with that. I mean, I'm 28 now, but just from seeing some of the symptoms of low testosterone, I definitely think that I need it in your opinion, with the younger, you know, types of generation that are starting to do the anti-aging therapies that aren't going through menopause. What would you say those symptoms are that they're seeing to make that decision?  

 JM: Yeah, I think you see muscle wasting in both men and women, loss of muscle and where replaces the muscle is fatty tissue. So we see lots of weight changes. It's usually in the midsection and that can affect both men and women. So the symptoms are similar, the fatigue, weight gain, things like that, memory, you know, how many times do patients come in and they say they walk into a room and they forget what they walked into the room for. Again, you don't have to be menopausal to experience the benefits that your body can reap by utilizing the pellet therapy. Again, that level is in your system continuously and goes up when you need it, just like the human body functions.  

JP: Absolutely. Is there anything else you'd like to add about hormone therapy?  

JM: I think the biggest thing is seeking out a, you know, medical professional that's experienced utilizing the hormones, placement of the pellet, but more importantly too is the quality of the pellet. And, you know, in the 20 years I've been doing this, you know, we've seen some places come and go and then we've seen the real, you know, true compounding pharmacy companies excel because of putting out an excellent product. And, you know, I applaud your company for that. I've been using you guys now for probably five years and honestly, we've had terrific success with Qualgen and the products that you guys produce. 

 JP: We love to hear that. I think you are one of the original doctors that came on board when we first started.  

 JM: Well, I was introduced to Qualgen through Dr. Tutera and you know, Dr. Tutera passed, gosh, it's been five years, but I still respect everything he taught me and both about patient care and the treatment utilizing the hormones. So he was, he was a magnificent person that, that brought back something that was highly needed and is utilizing, you know, today and for, for everyone.  

JP: Absolutely. I mean, he's the reason that Qualgen is what it is and if anybody out there wants to hear more about that Shaun, our CEO talks about it in my first podcast with him. So, it's a pretty cool story and it's kind of like a little triangle how it connects us all. 

JM: It does and I think, you know, patients need to realize too that, you know, when they're, you know, seeking advice on how they're feeling, how they're doing, don't forget to mention hormones. I hear patients every day, Jennifer tell me that, “well, my doctor said my hormones are normal”, I want to know what normal is because if you're not feeling good and I add this to your regimen and you're doing great, then it was a hormone problem. And we spend a lot of time taking people off antidepressants, anti-anxieties because that's how they're being treated. So, mention to your physicians, you know, that hormones could be a role in what you're experiencing.  

JP: Yeah. And I think it's important to say too that if your physician doesn't listen to you or respect that, that you can always go and find somebody else, you know?   

JM: And I think using the resources that we have available now, it's easy to find practicing physicians around the country. I'll refer people out that I get phone calls from, you know, and I'll check and see what they're using and how they're using it and I'll refer to them and patients get the same satisfaction. So I know it's a great product.  

JP: Yes. Absolutely. Well, thank you so much. I'm out of questions over here. So, if you have anything else you'd like to add to this.  

JM: No, Jennifer. I think any time we can educate our patients about what the latest greatest most beneficial product is for them. I like to be a part of and talk about and get people feeling good is looking good too.   

JP: Absolutely. It's just all educating, like you said. I mean, it's, it's all it is - letting people know that it's out there and it's available and it's accessible.  

JM: And we're going to get through these trying times and we'll come out ahead of the game.  

JP: We will - better and stronger. Well, thank you again for joining me. I know schedules are crazy right now, so it definitely means a lot to have some time to chat with you. If anyone wants more information from Dr. Mirabile, you can find his website at or on Facebook at @drmirabile - thank you everyone for listening! Please make sure to subscribe and follow us on social media to stay up to date on Qualgen! 


Women's Health Questions with Dr. Kenneth Sekine


About Hormones with Dr. Michael Ambrose